Asset Optimization
Airbnb is always pushing out fresh content, some of which is highly time sensitive. It was our job as production designers to ensure quality and precision when delivering photographic or illustrative assets to our stakeholders, every day.
Asset delivery included everything from what was live on, email marketing, social media ads, platform launches, print collateral, etc.
software: figma, Photoshop, imageOptim
Duration: Continuous
Landmarks Launch
Airbnb guests can browse adventures, animal interactions, cooking classes, and landmarks that pertain to their vacation destination. Below includes asset optimization samples from the Landmarks launch and Animals launch. These assets are seen throughout the Airbnb website as hero images, navigational elements, and product description images.
The Experiences team ran into some roadblocks when the approved images for Landmarks didn’t fit within the mobile UI, as seen in the below matrix. I re-chose images that suited the updated UI, and then cropped and optimized assets accordingly. A similar process was applied toward the Animals launch as well.